Uses of Class

Packages that use AllChildrenNodesOperation   

Uses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in

Subclasses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in
 class AllModulesNodeOperation
          An abstract that will perform an operation on all modules node found in the configuration repository.

Uses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.module.templating.setup.for4_0

Subclasses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.module.templating.setup.for4_0
 class DeprecateDialogPathAllModules
          Renames dialogPath to dialog and sets the property to the dialog name, in all modules in all paragraphs nodes.
 class FixTemplatePathTask
          since 4.0 the templatePath property was moved to parameters content node, this class fixes it by moving it back.
 class NestPropertiesAllModulesNodeTask
          Moves property nodes to new nodetype inside like templates/x will be templates/newnode/x.
 class RenamePropertyAllModulesNodeTask
          Renames property node in all subnodes of all modules, from a base node, i.e.

Uses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.setup.for3_5

Subclasses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.setup.for3_5
 class AddURIPermissionsToAllRoles
          Adds URI permissions to all roles.
 class CheckAndUpdateExistingFilters
          Checks for modifications between current filter configuration and the 3.0 default configuration.
 class CheckAndUpdateSecureURIs
          Checks for modifications between current secureURI configuration and the 3.0 default configuration.
 class CheckAndUpdateUnsecureURIs
          Transforms unsecured URIs into bypasses of uriSecurity filter.
 class IPConfigRulesUpdate
          Updates pre 3.5 IP configuration rules to the format used since 3.5.
 class ReconfigureCommands
          Updates command configuration to make them suitable for loading by c2b.
 class RemoveModuleDescriptorDetailsFromRepo
          Cleanup module description.
 class RenamedRenderersToTemplateRenderers
          Rename renderers to mach name used since 3.5.
 class UpdateURI2RepositoryMappings
          Updates format of URI2Repository mappings to format used since 3.5.
 class UpdateURIMappings
          Updates virtualURIMappings to the format suitable for c2b.
 class WarnIgnoredModuleFilters
          Checks if installed modules contain filter definitions and if so warns on installation with an appropriate message.

Uses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.setup.for3_6_2

Subclasses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.setup.for3_6_2
 class UpdateGroups
          Updates all users to add an extra permission to read their own configuration node..
 class UpdateRoles
          Updates all users to add an extra permission to read their own configuration node..
 class UpdateUsers
          Updates all users to add an extra permission to read their own configuration node..

Uses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.setup.for4_3

Subclasses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.setup.for4_3
 class UpdateUserPermissions
          Updates all users to add an extra permission to read their own configuration node..

Uses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.setup.for4_4_3

Subclasses of AllChildrenNodesOperation in info.magnolia.setup.for4_4_3
 class UpdateUserManagers
          Updates user managers with maxFailedLoginAttempts property which is used in account lockout feature.

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